Scenario Analysis

Link Description
Operational Entities and Actors Capella Diagram of Operational Entities and Actors
Operational Capabilities Capella Diagram of Operational Capabilities
Operational Architecture: Players Capella Diagram of Operational Architecture: Players
Operational Architecture: Parent and Child Capella Diagram of Operational Architecture: Parent and Child
Operational Exchange Scenario: Entertain - Player Plays Capella Diagram of Operational Exchange Scenario: Entertain - Player Plays
Operational Exchange Scenario: Entertain - Player Cheats Capella Diagram of Operational Exchange Scenario: Entertain - Player Cheats
Operational Exchange Scenario: Educate - Player Collaborate Capella Diagram of Operational Exchange Scenario: Educate - Players Collaborate
Operational Exchange Scenario: Educate - Parent Teaches Child Capella Diagram of Operational Exchange Scenario: Educate: Parent Teaches Child
System Exchange Scenario: Players Play Capella Diagram of System Exchange Scenario: Players Plays
System Exchange Scenario: Parent Teaches Child Capella Diagram of System Exchange Scenario: Parent Teaches Child
System Exchange Scenario: Discover Incorrect Solution Shown Capella Diagram of System Exchange Scenario: Discover Incorrect Solution Shown
System Exchange Scenario: Missing Game Cubes Capella Diagram of System Exchange Scenario: Missing Game Cubes
System Exchange Scenario: Player Caught Cheating Capella Diagram of System Exchange Scenario: Player Caught Cheating
System Architecture View of Player Plays Capella Diagram of System Architecture View of Player Plays
System Architecture View of Player Parent Teaches Child Capella Diagram of System Architecture View of Player Teaches Child
System Architecture View of Player Discovering Solution Shown is Incorrect Capella Diagram of System Architecture View of Player Player Discovering Solution Shown is Incorrect
System Architecture View of Player Caught Cheating Capella Diagram of System Architecture View of Player Caught Cheating
System Architecture View of Missing Game Cubes Capella Diagram of System Architecture View of Missing Game Cubes
High Level Functions Final System Architecture View Capella Diagram of High Level Functions Final System Architecture View
Functional Chains Capella Diagram of Functional Chains
Players Play (Multiplayer Mode) Functional Chain Highlighted Capella Diagram of Players Play (Multiplayer Mode) Functional Chain Highlighted
Players Caught Cheating Functional Chain Highlighted Capella Diagram of Player Caught Cheating Functional Chain Highlighted
Discovered Incorrect Solutions Functional Chain Highlighted Capella Diagram of Discovered Incorrect Solutions Functional Chain Highlighted
Missing Game Cubes Functional Chain Highlighted Capella Diagram of Missing Game Cubes Functional Chain Highlighted
Parent Teaches Child (Single player Mode) Functional Chain Highlighted Capella Diagram of Parent Teaches Child (Single player Mode) Functional Chain Highlighted